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Community Service

Community service challenges students to engage in meaningful, authentic learning experiences. This supports the vision of the Upper Arlington Schools — uniquely accomplished students prepared to serve, lead and succeed. 

Each year, Hastings Middle School students are required to complete 5 hours of community service. Grade level counselors meet with students each year to discuss how to log their hours and general guidelines for selecting service opportunities.

We encourage students to align their passions with their service hours in order to support another person, group of people or organization.

What Counts as Community Service? 

Community service is voluntary work completed in order to support another person, group of people, or organization. Below are examples of activities that would count for community service hours, and others that would not.

Logging Community Service Hours

Community service hours can be logged by Hastings Middle School students using the x2vol platform within Naviance, which students can find in ClassLink. For instructions on logging service hours, please access the presentations below. 

New to Naviance - How to Register and Log Your Service Hours

Returning Users - Logging Your Service Hours

Examples of community service:

  • Working at a school event such as Windermere Kid Fest or Tremont Fall Festival

  • Volunteering at a community event such as the Labor Day Arts Festival, the Columbus Marathon, Komen Race for the Cure or opportunities provided through your religious institution

  • Volunteering with an organization such as the Humane Society, Mid-Ohio Food Bank, Homeless Families Foundation, Tremont Public Library, etc.

  • Supporting a family in need due to illness or other hardship by things like cooking a meal for the family, doing yard work or babysitting so they can take care of themselves and have a break

All political activities must be non-partisan (i.e., working for the League of Women Voters or Get Out the Vote, NOT - working for a specific campaign for a candidate).

Religious activities count with the exceptions of teaching or preaching.

Examples that would not count as community service: 

  • Having a babysitting job and not getting paid

  • Volunteering for your own family members

  • Running in a 5K for a cause (the service is helping behind the scenes to make the race happen)

  • Helping a teacher in their classroom

If you are getting paid to do a job, it is not community service! Doing chores or jobs around your house is not considered community service!